Work in Progress
  • Number of trophies? 31 (1Playstation Platinum Trophy  6Playstation Gold Trophy  10Playstation Silver Trophy  14Playstation Bronze Trophy)

Cloudpunk Trophies


Complete all trophies

Platinum Trophy 40px
A Song about Home

A Song about Home
Complete the game

Gold Playstation 40px
Memory Collector trophy

Memory Collector
Find 20 Punch Cards

Silver Trophy 40px
Second Chances

Second Chances
Restore Evelin’s memories

Gold Playstation 40px
No Pressure

No Pressure
Successfully complete all time sensitive deliveries

Gold Playstation 40px
Old Friends

Old Friends
Activate Camus in your vehicle

Bronze Playstation 40px
First Delivery

First Delivery
Complete your first delivery job

Bronze Playstation 40px
William's Fate

William’s Fate
Decide what happens to William

Silver Trophy 40px
Trading up

Trading up
Get a new HOVA model

Silver Trophy 40px
Null Gate

Null Gate
Pass a Null Gate

Bronze Playstation 40px

Go through with the prank

Silver Trophy 40px
Charity lightens the soul

Charity lightens the soul
Deliver emergency rations

Bronze Playstation 40px
Wanted for crimes against businessocracy

Wanted for crimes against businessocracy
Flee from CorpSec

Bronze Playstation 40px
HOVA Enthusiast

HOVA Enthusiast
Install all available vehicle upgrades

Gold Playstation 40px
Almost like Home

Almost like Home
Purchase all available apartment upgrades

Gold Playstation 40px
Tastier than maggot pizza

Tastier than maggot pizza
Get something to eat

Bronze Playstation 40px
Postbox of love

Postbox of love
Bring Douglas the Dating Agency flyer

Bronze Playstation 40px
Save the life of the life saver

Save the life of the life saver
Save the life of a Doctor

Bronze Playstation 40px
Don't drink from the faucet

Don’t drink from the faucet
Buy water for Pashta

Bronze Playstation 40px
Decision above the Clouds

Decision above the Clouds
Make a choice

Silver Trophy 40px

Decide Dolly’s fate

Silver Trophy 40px

Escape the Undernet Pulse

Bronze Playstation 40px
Nivalis Tourist

Nivalis Tourist
Discover all unlockable locations

Gold Playstation 40px

Return Artyom’s ring

Bronze Playstation 40px
Summer 76

Summer 76
Return the memory card to Janet Mortaim

Bronze Playstation 40px
Speed Racers

Speed Racers
Give Mala the trading card

Bronze Playstation 40px
Load Enter

Load “” Enter
Sell ancient computer games to Danya

Silver Trophy 40px
In a min, Theremin

In a min, Theremin
Sell old instruments to Sabra

Silver Trophy 40px
Learn about Teko's past

Tempus fugit
Learn about Teko’s past

Silver Trophy 40px
I quit

I quit
Meet the Engineer a third time

Silver Trophy 40px
Irony or something

Irony or something
Give Haldo a candy bar

Bronze Playstation 40px