Crash Bandicoot 4 All Colored Gems
There are a total of 4 colored gems in Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time. When you obtain them, new paths will be available in some levels, this is essential for you to be able to destroy all the boxes! Each of the colored gems unlocks a trophy.
Crash Bandicoot 4 All Colored gems are not difficult to obtain. Just follow the guides and you will have no problem. The most difficult gem to obtain is blue, the others are relatively easy.
Crash Bandicoot 4 All Colored Gems - Red Gem

Ruby Red
Find the hidden Red Gem

Red Gem can be found in Map: N.Sanity Island / Level: N.Sanity Peak.
The red gem is located on the second level of Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time! When you get the Red Gem you will win a trophy, and this will give you access to some secret parts in other stages, accessing the path of the red gem
When you approach the 9 falling platforms, you must perform the jumps according to the drawing on the wall! Start at the bottom left, and go counterclockwise, end up jumping to the center. You will hear a sound when you perform correct jumps. If you hit the correct sequence, the red gem will appear on the way.
Crash Bandicoot 4 All Colored Gems - Green Gem

Emerald Gemerald
Find the hidden Green Gem

Green Gem can be found in Map: The Hazardous Wastes / Level: Hit The Road
The green gem is located on Hit the Road level of Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time! When you get the Green Gem you will win a trophy, and this will give you access to some secret parts in other stages, accessing the path of the green gem.
During the session when N.Gin chases you with a vehicle, and you control a metal ball, there is a checkpoint. At this moment attack the trash can on your left, this will make a remote control appear on the floor. Keep attacking the remote control until the toy car collides with nitrogen. The green gem will appear where the nitrogen was.
Crash Bandicoot 4 All Colored Gems - Blue Gem

Sapphire-er Acquirer
Find the hidden Blue Gem

Blue Gem can be found in Map: Tranquility Falls / Level: Draggin’ On
The blue gem is located on Draggin’ On level of Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time! When you get the Blue Gem you will win a trophy, and this will give you access to some secret parts in other stages, accessing the path of the blue gem.
To get the Blue Gem you have to finish this entire level without destroying a single box. In the middle of the level, enter the bonus and die right away to create a checkpoint in the middle of the level, this will make things easier.
This is the colored gem that has a slightly greater difficulty to be obtained. In some sections of the level you need to use the Akano mask. To make jumping easier, always start with a slide-jump, and then immediately activate the mask.
If you manage to reach the end of the level without destroying any boxes, the blue gem will be there waiting for you.
Crash Bandicoot 4 All Colored Gems - Yellow Gem

Topaz Pizazz
Find the hidden Yellow Gem

Yellow Gem can be found in Map: Mosquito Marsh / Level: Run It Bayou
The yellow gem is located on Run it Bayou level of Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time! When you get the Yellow Gem you will win a trophy, and this will give you access to some secret parts in other stages, accessing the path of the yellow gem.
Right at the beginning of the level, during the cutscene, you can see the yellow gem in the background. Instead of entering the boat, you must jump on the platform on the right, and jump over the boxes to reach a platform with 4 boxes together. At this point, make a double jump over the boxes to catch the yellow gem.
Keep in mind that at this point, the yellow gem is not visible on the screen, but when you make the jump, it will appear on the screen that you picked it up!
Now you can run after the N.Sanely Perfect Relics, because you have finished our Crash Bandicoot 4 All Colored Gems.