- How hard is the platinum trophy? 9/10 (It depends a lot on your skill)
- Approximate time for platinum? 70h+ (Again! It depends a lot on your skill)
- Number of trophies? 52 ( 1
This is by far the most difficult Crash Bandicoot in the entire franchise. The game has a lot of new mechanics, which will cost you time to get comfortable with all of them. In addition to 4 new masks, where each gives a different power.
There are also 4 playable characters, each with their own mechanics. We will guide you step by step to the platinum trophy, good luck!
STEP 1: Finish Story Mode / Colored Gems / Miscellaneous Trophies
In our first step in Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide don’t worry about the other relics and gems. Just enjoy the game, and pay attention when you are in one of the levels listed below, as there are trophies that are easy to collect along the way. The list is in chronological order of the levels
- Channel Surfer – Map: N.Sanity Island / Level: Rude Awakening
- Red Gem – Map: N.Sanity Island / Level: N.Sanity Peak
- Megaphoning It In – Map: The Hazardous Wastes / Level: A Real Grind
- Junkyard Jams – Map: The Hazardous Wastes / Level: Hit The Road
- Green Gem – Map: The Hazardous Wastes / Level: Hit The Road
- Give ‘Em a Broadside! – Map: Salty Wharf / Level: Thar He Blows!
- Silence the Scientist – Map: Tranquility Falls / Level: Give it a Spin
- Hammer it Home – Map: Tranquility Falls / Level: Draggin’ On
- Blue Gem – Map: Tranquility Falls / Level: Draggin’ On
- Tree Droppings – Map: Tranquility Falls / Level: Off-Balance
- Here Kitty Kitty – Map: Mosquito Marsh / Level: Off Beat
- Bad Signs – Map: Mosquito Marsh / Level: Home Cookin’
- Yellow Gem – Map: Mosquito Marsh / Level: Run It Bayou
- WOAH YEAH! – Map: Bermugula’s Orbit / Level: A Hole in Space
STEP 2: Platinum Flashback Relics
In this step we will take all 21 flashback tapes. Each tape unlocks a flashback level. The tapes are located at the normal levels, to get the flashback tapes, you must reach them without dying! Keep in mind that there is no problem if you die after you take the tape, you just have to finish the level.
When you finish taking all the tapes, play all the flashback levels. Now let’s get the Platinum Flashback Relics. These relics are simple, you just have to destroy all the boxes during an attempt. Along the way there are some checkpoints that will make your life easier!
After the Level “Trouble Brewing” in the 4th Map Area you will unlock the N.Verted mode to all levels that you have already finished. Each N.Verted level contains 6 Gems, described below:
- Find 40% of all fruits
- Find 60% of all fruits
- Find 80% of all fruits
- Destroy all boxes
- Find the hidden gem
- Die less than 3 times
The N.Verted (Inverted) Mode mirrors everything horizontally (left/right) and changes the graphics to a render-mode with different colors. Each map has a different style of color and rendering.
In this step we will focus on getting all the gems in the game, both in normal and n.verted modes.
There are a total of 38 N.Sanely perfect relics in the game. To earn them you must get all clear gems in a level without dying. The hidden gem is not needed for this relic! See below the requirements to win the relic:
- Find 40% of all fruits
- Find 60% of all fruits
- Find 80% of all fruits
- Destroy all boxes
- Finish the level without dying
Taking all 38 relics will unlock the Perfectionist trophy. Although hidden gems are not necessary for this relic, in the videos we collect it too!
This is the hardest step in the Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide. The game has 43 levels, but the good news is that you only need to get 38 platinum! (that’s because 5 levels are bosses). For you to take the time trial you need to have completed the level at least once.
When you play a level again, you will see a gold clock at the beginning. When you pick it up, a timer appears, and you must complete the level as quickly as possible to get the platinum.
When you take the gold clock, some boxes turn into time boxes, which vary from 1 to 3 seconds. When you destroy them, time freezes according to the number on the box. Just try to take the time trial challenges when you finish the game, as you unlock Triple Spin, which gives you extra speed.
Guide under construction! As I post the videos, I will update it!
Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide

Get EVERY trophy

You need to collect all the Crash Bandicoot 4 trophies! Note that trophies from any eventual DLC do not count towards the platinum!

Beat ‘Em Any Which Way
Beat any boss in N. Verted mode

N.Verted mode is unlocked after the level Trouble Brewing. Basically you can play any level again in N.Verted mode (which changes some color schemes, rendering and flips everything left/right), play any boss again in N.Verted mode.

Backwards & Forwards
Complete ALL levels in N. Verted mode

You unlock N.Verted mode after the level Trouble Brewing. You can play any level again in N.Verted mode (which changes some color schemes, rendering and flips everything left/right).
When you select a level to play again choose N.Verted Mode. Play all 43 levels in this mode to win this trophy.

Beat a level in N. Verted mode

See the “Backwards & Forwards” trophy.

Taking the Side Road
Complete a Bonus Path

The bonus paths are round platforms marked with the symbol “?”. Bonuses are located during the level. When you go up on the bonus platform, it will take you to another stage, just complete one and the trophy will be unlocked.

The Whole Picture
Complete all Timelines

Timelines are optional levels that are unlocked over the course of the story. These levels are repetitions of some main level, seen from the perspective of another character. Here are all the timelines you must complete:
- Truck Stopped
- Thar He Blows!
- Potion Commotion
- No Dillo Dallying
- Ship Happens
- Building Bridges
- Rock Blocked
- Shipping Error
- Seeing Double

Putting Things In Perspective
Complete any Timeline

See “The Whole Picture” trophy.

Fleet of Feet
Play a game of Checkpoint Race

In the game’s initial menu there is a mode called “Bandicoot Battle” -> “2 Players”-> “Checkpoint Race”. You need to complete a match at any level to unlock this trophy. This mode requires only one control, as the players take turns, passing the control to the other player. If you wanted to complete it fast, go to the first level, no matter which player wins, just complete a game.

Settle the Score
Play a game of Crate Combo

In the game’s initial menu there is a mode called “Bandicoot Battle” -> “2 Players”-> “Crate Combo”. You need to complete a match at any level to unlock this trophy. This mode requires only one control, as the players take turns, passing the control to the other player. If you wanted to complete it fast, go to the first level, no matter which player wins, just complete a game.

What Has Been, Will Be Again
Defeat Dr. Neo Cortex… again.

Story-related, cannot be missed. Unlocks in Level “The Past Unmasked”.

The Fourth Time
Defeat Dr. Neo Cortex

Story-related, cannot be missed. Unlocks in Level “4th Time’s A Charm”.

Master Mixologist
Defeat N. Brio

Story-related, cannot be missed. Unlocks in Level “Trouble Brewing”.

Beaten With His Own Drum
Defeat N. Gin and his Weapon of Mass Percussion

Story-related, cannot be missed. Unlocks in Level “Stage Dive”.

Defeat the Doctors N. Tropy

Story-related, cannot be missed. Unlocks in Level “A Hole in Space”.

Watch the 100% bonus ending

See the “OVER-Overachiever” trophy

Watch the 106% bonus ending

To get 106% game completion you need:
- Get all 228 Clear gems
- Get all 228 N.Verted gems
- Get all 4 Colored Gems
- Get all 38 Platinum Relics in Time Trial
- Get all 21 Platinum Flashback Relics
- Get all 38 N.Sanely Perfect Relics
Usefull links:
- Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide – All Colored Gems
- Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide – All N.Verted Gems
- Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide – All Platinum Relics (Time Trial)
- Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide – All Flashback tapes
- Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide – All Platinum Flashback Relics
- Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide – All N.Sanely Perfect Relics

Sapphire-er Acquirer
Find the hidden Blue Gem

To unlock this trophy you must get the hidden Blue Gem that is located at the level Draggin’On.

Like a Rhinestone Bandicoot
Earn half of the Clear Gems

See “King of Bling” trophy.

King of Bling
Earn ALL of the Clear Gems

There are 228 clear gems in the game. Each level has 6 gems. See below the requirements for you to get the gems:
- Find 40% of all fruits
- Find 60% of all fruits
- Find 80% of all fruits
- Destroy all boxes
- Die less than 3 times
- Find the hidden Gem
You don’t need to take all in a single run, the gems can be obtained across multiple runs.

gnilB fo gniK
Earn ALL N. Verted Gems

N.Verted mode is unlocked after the level Trouble Brewing. This mode mirrors everything left/right and changes the color render of each level.
There are 228 N.Verted gems in the game. Each level has 6 N.Verted gems. See below the requirements for you to get the N.Verted gems:
- Find 40% of all fruits
- Find 60% of all fruits
- Find 80% of all fruits
- Destroy all boxes
- Die less than 3 times
- Find the hidden Gem
You don’t need to take all in a single run, the N.Verted gems can be obtained across multiple runs.

Emerald Gemerald
Find the hidden Green Gem

To unlock this trophy you must get the hidden Green Gem that is located at the level Hit the Road.

Ruby Red
Find the hidden Red Gem

To unlock this trophy you must get the hidden Red Gem that is located at the level N.Sanity Peak.

Topaz Pizazz
Find the hidden Yellow Gem

To unlock this trophy you must get the hidden Yellow Gem that is located at the level Run It Bayou.

Altitude Sickness
Crouch or slide into a double jump

Hold and press
to perform a high double jump. You can also do a slide and then a double jump.

Silent Protagonist
Meet ‘Akano

Story-related, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Level “Jetboard Jetty”.

Ups & Downs
Meet Ika-Ika

Story-related, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Level “Dino Dash”.

Reality-Shattering Proportions
Meet Lani-Loli

Story-related, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Level “N.Sanity Peak”.

I Can See Through Time
Meet Kupuna-Wa

Story-related, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Level “Run It Bayou”.

No It’s MY Turn
Complete a level with Pass N. Play enabled

Press Options and go to “Pass-n-play” and set the number of players to 2 or more. You can set any pass condition, the fastest to do is checkpoint. This trophy can be done with only one controller. You can enable these settings before or in during a level. This mode wants you to pass the controller from one person to the next but you can do it alone. Just finish any level with pass-n-play enabled with 2 or more players and the trophy will be unlocked.

Ladies First
Complete a level as Coco

After the first 2 levels, you will unlock the world map. From now on you can choose who to play with: Coco or Crash. In the world map press to alternate between Crash and Coco. Complete a level with Coco to unlock the trophy.

Sudden But Inevitable
Betrayed! By your worst enemy.

Story-related, cannot be missed. Unlocks after Level “The Great Escape”.

Model Test Subject
Earn any Flashback Relic

See the “Closing the Experiment Log” trophy.

Closing the Experiment Log
Earn ALL of the platinum Flashback Relics

To unlock this trophy you must get all 21 platinum Flashback Relics. First you need to get all the tapes. The flashback tapes are located during some levels, to get them, you must reach them without dying once. After collecting all the flashback tapes, you must take their platinum relics, which are obtained when you break all the boxes.
- Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide – All 21 Flashback Tapes Location
- Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide – All 21 Platinum Flashback Relics

Earn ALL N.Sanely Perfect Relics

This is another very hard trophy in the Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide. There are a total of 38 N.Sanely perfect relics in the game. To earn them you must get all clear gems in a level without dying. See below the requirements to win the relic:
- Find 40% of all fruits
- Find 60% of all fruits
- Find 80% of all fruits
- Destroy all boxes
- Finish the level without dying

So-Called Perfectionist
Earn any N.Sanely Perfect Relic

See the “Perfectionist” trophy.

Faster Than a Tortoise
Earn any Time Trial Relic

When you replay a level, you will see a gold clock at the beginning. When you pick it up, a timer appears, and you must complete the level as quickly as possible to get a relic. The first relic you get will unlock this trophy. It can be any relic (Sapphire, Gold or Platinum).

Faster Than Sound
Earn ALL of the platinum Time Trial Relics

Possibly the most difficult trophy in Crash Bandicoot 4 Trophy Guide.
The game has 43 levels, but the good news is that you only need to get 38 platinum! (that’s because 5 levels are bosses). For you to take the time trial you need to have completed the level at least once.
When you play a level again, you will see a gold clock at the beginning. When you pick it up, a timer appears, and you must complete the level as quickly as possible to get the platinum.
The times to get the platinum relic are very difficult, it requires a lot of skill.

All Gussied Up
Try on a Skin

You unlock skins as you collect gems. In the game menu press to open the skin menu. Equip any skin and the trophy will be unlocked.

Pull off a Triple Spin

You must finish the story to unlock the Triple Spin. It’s unlocked after the final boss in the level “The Past Unmasked”
You need to perform a Triple Spin ( + wait 0.5s +
+ wait 0.5s +
). The triple spin is visually different, it has a blue glow. It only works while you are moving! If you press the
sequence too fast it won’t work!

Defeat an enemy with Triple Spin

You must finish the story to unlock the Triple Spin. It’s unlocked after the final boss in the level “The Past Unmasked”
To perform a Triple Spin walk forward and press + wait 0.5s +
+ wait 0.5s +
. The triple spin is visually different, it has a blue glow. It only works while you are moving! If you press the
sequence too fast it won’t work!
To unlock this trophy you must hit any enemy with the third spin!

N. Vincible
Beat a story level without dying

Finish a level without any deaths. The easiest level to unlock this trophy is the first.

A/V Club Founder
Acquire a Flashback Tape

You will unlock this trophy when you get the first flashback tape. In level Crash Compactor (Level #4) there’s one right at the start.

Tree Droppings
Find the source of the Bumpa Berries

At the start of the level “Off-Balance” attack the tree to make berries fall on your head

Here Kitty Kitty
Scare the cat hiding from a party

This trophy is located on level “Off Beat”. After the 2nd Checkpoint, attack the dumpster!

Give ‘Em a Broadside!
Aim and fire!

In the level “Thar He Blows!” When Dingodile says “You smell good enough to eat”, Attack the 2 broadside cannons to unlock the trophy.

Bad Signs
Do some target practice

In the level “Home Cookin” you play as Dingodile, during the level, you must shoot 5 purple bat targets.

Junkyard Jams
Make music in an unlikely place

In the level “Hit the Road” you need to attack 6 barrels that produce a sound. 3 of them are right at the beginning of the level. The other three are close to the bonus path.

Grabbed a bushel of Bumpa

You need to collect the 18 grapes during the rail ride at the start of level “A Hole in Space”.

Silence the Scientist
Shut N. Brio up

To unlock this trophy you must destroy a green test tube from N.brio. At the beginning of the level “Give It a Spin” you will find one.

Megaphoning It In
Shut N. Gin up

You must destroy N.Gin’s Megaphone speaker! It’s located shortly after the start of “A Real Grind” level.

Hammer it Home
Make some noise!

To unlock this trophy you must hit 4 golden bells in the level Draggin’ On!

Channel Surfer
Spend some time surfin’ the waves

To unlock the Channel Surfer trophy in Crash Bandicoot 4 at the beginning of the “Rude Awakening” level there is a TV. Spin on the TV by pressing until all channels are displayed. Each channel shows a different game from the Crash Bandicoot franchise.