When you reach the advanced stages of Diablo 4, upgrading your items becomes more important. You no longer have to worry about changing items frequently, but focus on creating a powerful end-game build. However, to achieve that, you’ll require resources, and finding Silver Ore can be challenging for some players. This guide will show you how to efficiently farm Silver Ore in Diablo 4.

Where to get Silver Ore Fast in Diablo 4

In Diablo 4, there are two main ways to obtain Silver Ore. The first method is by locating Ore Veins scattered throughout Sanctuary. The Fractured Peaks, particularly around Yelesna, is the best place to find these veins due to its status as a mining town.

Where to get Silver Ore Fast in Diablo 4

The second method involves scrapping Magical gear. By salvaging Magical weapons like wands or staffs, as well as amulets, you have a chance to obtain Silver Ore. However, this method may be less profitable unless you’re playing as a Druid or Sorcerer. If you belong to either class, scrapping unwanted gear instead of selling it can generate a decent amount of passive Silver Ore.

How to craft Silver Ore in Diablo 4

You can also craft silver ore using iron chunks in alchemist.