This guide covers the Sons of the Forest complete walkthrough on how to reach the ending in Sons of the Forest.

Sons of the Forest Walkthrough Map

In order to complete Sons of the Forest, you must obtain the following items in the following order:

  1. Rebreather
  2. Rope Gun
  3. Shovel
  4. Maintenance Keycard
  5. VIP Keycard
  6. Guest Keycard
  7. Golden Armor
  8. Final Bunker

The order is crucial as certain items require others to be obtained before they can be found. For instance, you need the Rebreather and Rope Gun to acquire the Shovel in Sons of the Forest, which you can then use to locate the keycards.

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Sons of the Forest Walkthrough Map

1. Rebreather Location

The first item you need to obtain is the Rebreather, which can be found in a cave on the north side of the map.

To obtain the Rebreather, you must fight your way through a cave located on the northern beach. The cave is relatively straightforward, but it is recommended to bring a weapon, as you will encounter numerous mutants along the way.

2. Rope Gun Location

The Rope Gun and Cross can be found in a cave on the west side of the island, near one of the possible spawn areas.

Similar to the previous cave, it is recommended to bring a weapon as there are dangerous mutants lurking within the cave. As you explore, you will likely encounter and need to fight at least a few of them.

Once inside the cave, make your way towards the large chamber ahead. In this chamber, you can find the Cross by walking towards the light source.

After obtaining the Cross, continue through the cave and take the passage out of the chamber to find a Sluggy trapped in a gap in the wall, with some Time Bombs scattered around on the floor. Use a Time Bomb to destroy the trapped Sluggy, then continue through the cave until you find the Rope Gun.

3. Shovel Location

The Shovel is located in a cave slightly west of the snowy mountain. Before entering the cave, gather some explosives to use for the escape.

Inside the cave, use the zipline to cross the large cavern. Then, swim through the underwater tunnel to the other side where you’ll need to fight some cannibals before sliding down into another pool of water.

Once out of the water, follow the lights along the nearby path and continue through the caverns, fighting cannibals and mutants as you go. Eventually, you’ll reach another pool of water. Dive in and swim through the underwater tunnel to the other side.

Upon climbing out of the water, you’ll find the Shovel on a corpse overlooking a large chasm. To exit Shovel cave, backtrack and explode the mutant stuck on the wall.

4. Maintenance Card Location

The Maintenance Keycard is located in an underground maintenance bunker, accessible only by using the Shovel to uncover the hatch. The exact location of the keycard is marked on the Sons of the Forest Walkthrough Map.

Once you’ve uncovered and climbed through the hatch and down the ladders, proceed down the nearby corridor. Enter the doorway on your right to find the Maintenance Keycard on the desk ahead.

5. VIP Keycard Location

To fully explore the VIP Bunker and reach the ending in Sons of the Forest, you’ll need to find the VIP Keycard. The keycard can be found in a cave located in the North-West corner of the map. Once you’re in the cave, climb down the hatch and use the Maintenance Keycard to unlock the door and continue through the bunker.

As you progress, you’ll eventually reach a flooded corridor where you’ll need to swim. Continue until you find a locked doorway, and then look for an open door on the left side of the flooded corridor. Inside the security office, you’ll find the VIP Keycard on a desk.

6. Guest Keycard Location

To find the Guest Keycard in Sons of the Forest, follow these steps:

  1. Head into the cave and follow the tunnel until you reach a corridor.
  2. Follow the corridor to the end and turn left past the open doorway.
  3. Use the VIP Keycard to open the locked door at the end of the corridor.
  4. Go through the lab and climb the winding staircase on the far side.
  5. Continue past the pool loungers and into the bar. Look for some booths on the far-right side.
  6. In one of the booths near the Night Club neon sign, you’ll find a Guest Keycard on a table among bodies.

7. Golden Armor Location

To obtain the Golden Armor, head down the corridor in the underground building until you reach the yellow door. Use the Keycard to unlock the door and go down the stairs to reach the yellow door. Open it and watch the cutscene.

Take the corridor out of the room and go back to the stairs. Descend to Floor 2 and walk down the corridor. Search the third room on your right to find the Golden Armor. In the second room you can find the Katana. Don’t forget to also go down to Floor 5 and enter the lab to find the Golden Mask on an operating table before leaving.

8. Final Bunker

The final step to complete the Sons of the Forest Walkthrough and beat the game, you must collect all the necessary items and head to the VIP Bunker on the East side of the map. Once inside, go down the stairs and take the left door, and continue through the corridors while fighting any mutants you encounter using powerful weapons like the Revolver or Katana.

At the end of the corridor, head down the stairs again, and keep going until you reach a penthouse-style apartment. Search the ruined bathroom to find a secret tunnel behind some smoke, which leads to a golden door. Equip the Golden Armor and interact with the door to continue through the caves below.

Follow the streams of lava through the cave until you find a gap you can squeeze through. On the other side, you’ll enter a Golden Cube where you’ll encounter a man holding a laptop, and Kelvin will run in shortly after. The man will show you a countdown on their laptop and then temporarily project other images of himself.

When the projections disappear, the side of the cube will burst open, revealing a futuristic city in another dimension. However, the cube will quickly seal again, preventing you from leaving. As it seals, it will open on the other side to show a Sluggy near the Golden Cube, and then the game will cut to black.

When you regain control, you’ll find yourself by a helicopter on the beach. You can choose leave the island (Fought Demons Achievement) or stay (Fight Demons Achievement).